Wedel IT

Wedel IT – Citrix Reboot Scheduler

Wedel IT – Citrix Reboot Scheduler

Wedel IT – Citrix Reboot Scheduler is a new tool from Wedel IT that leverages the new BrokerRebootv2 cmd-let available as of Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.12

This cmd-let makes it possible to create multiple reboot schedules within a delivery group bases on TAGs that are specified in Citrix Studio.

Unfortunately, this is not available in the GUI of Studio, so we decided to create a tool that will help you with that.

The tool needs to be executed on a Delivery Controller with version 7.12 or later

– Show Configured Reboot Schedules
– Create Daily Reboot Schedules based on TAG (must be specified in Citrix Studio)
– Create Weekly Reboot Schedules based on TAG (must be specified in Citrix Studio)
– Delete Reboot Schedules

– Delivery Groups needs to be defined in Citrix Studio
– TAGs needs to be defined in Citrix Studio
– XenApp / XenDesktop 7.12 or later
-Should be executed on a Deliver Controller versjon 7.12 or later

Download the tool here

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